Environmental Policy
The Company are committed to comply with the applicable legal and other requirements relevant to the business activities.
The Company provides public transport, which is an energy and pollution efficient means of transport, particularly when compared to other motorised alternatives.
The Company will seek to ensure that its actions in providing these services are made with a knowledge and consideration of the environmental impact of the action.
We are committed to the prevention of pollution and particular action will be taken to ensure a minimisation of the use of scarce materials and resources, by consuming only those which are necessary for the task and by using recycled and renewable sources wherever possible.
The Company will keep our vehicle fleet clean but will minimise our use of water by recycling it when possible. We will have in mind the environmental aspect of spillages. Corrosive products will only be used where there is no viable alternative and disposal procedures are sound.
We will encourage our staff and customers to take our environmental concern into their own lives – and encourage them to use our services to come to work. We are committed to continual improvement and will use this policy to assist in the establishment and review of objectives and targets to ensure this.
This policy is communicated to all employees of the Company. It shall be displayed in a prominent position within the organisation and, in an area that is accessible by the public and reviewed regularly to ensure its continued suitability.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Huyton Travel Ltd is committed to ensuring that all members of staff in the Company are treated fairly and are valued irrespective of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, religion, employment status, age or membership or non-membership of a Trade Union.
This means that no one is to receive less favourable treatment on any of the above grounds or is to be disadvantaged by requirements or conditions which cannot be shown objectively to be justifiable. In the event that an employee becomes disabled during their period of employment we will seek to retain their services wherever possible.
A key philosophy of the Company encourages devolved decision making allowing local management to make decisions in order that we can best respond to local transport needs. The Directors will be responsible for ensuring both the implementation of this policy and compliance with relevant local legislation.
Every member of staff at Huyton Travel Ltd has a personal responsibility to:
- treat people fairly and without prejudice;
- value and respect others;
- ensure that no one is harassed, victimised or bullied in the workplace;
- promote a work environment where everyone feels confident to report incidents that are unfair or personally offensive;
- seek to develop their own skills and encourage others.
Health & Safety Policy
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes statutory duties and responsibilities on employers and employees. It is the Policy of this Company, so far as it is reasonable practicable, to ensure these responsibilities are properly managed at all levels of our Company.
Arrangements for health and safety are integrated in the following pages as part of the management system, incorporating planning, organisation, arrangements, control, monitoring and review of preventative and protective measures identified by our risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work. This extends to the necessity to wear high visibility clothing in areas where there are vehicle movements.
We seek to ensure that all practicable steps are taken to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all employees, customers, visitors and contractors to the premises or operations under our control with the following measures;
- The provision and maintenance of vehicles, plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health.
- The provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to secure the health and safety of work of all operatives. There is a system for joint consultation, through the Safety Committee to propose, promote and improve good working practices.
- The premises and working environment of all employees is safe, clean and without risks to health and proper provision is made of facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work. Moving vehicles will present a hazard to pedestrians so always use marked walkways and look/listen at all times. The maximum speed limit on Company premises is 5mph and extra care needs to be taken when reversing.
- Arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles, materials and substances, by circulating information on potential hazards, limiting exposure and monitoring as required by the COSHH regulations.
- We have a duty to ensure all processes that have detrimental effect on the environment are identified, controlled, minimised and eliminated, where possible. This includes controls on effluent and waste disposal and effective measures to deal with spillages.
- The Health and Safety Policy document is reviewed and updated when necessary but at least annually. Communication of any changes will be made to staff by means of the appropriate notice boards and through the health and safety committee.
- It is the duty of every employee to take reasonable steps for the health and safety of him or herself and of other persons who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions at work.
- It is the duty of every employee to co-operate with the Company as necessary, such as by using, wearing and looking after personal protective clothing and equipment, to enable the Company to carry out, perform and comply with our statutory duties.
- The health and safety law poster is on display at the Company premises as are other information, instruction and warning notices. Please read this and all other official notices that re displayed for your guidance.
Conditions of Carriage
Huyton Travel values your custom and we aim to ensure you have a safe comfortable journey on a clean, well-maintained bus. These Conditions set out your rights, restrictions on those rights, and obligations as a customer of Huyton Travel. These are the Conditions under which Huyton Travel carries any person and their property and these Conditions apply to any ticket issued by Huyton Travel and any contract to carry any person or their property entered into by Huyton Travel. Any person who travels on a transport service operated by Huyton Travel Limited shall be deemed to have agreed to be carried on these Conditions. These Conditions are consistent with statutory regulations including those relating to Conduct of Passengers and Lost Property and do not affect your statutory rights.
Modern Slavery
Gender Pay Gap